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Friday, January 6, 2012

The monster i fell in love with

I couldn’t believe my luck when I found the perfect guy. The kind of guy that was extremely popular with my friends and family as he would do anything for anyone, in fact my parents treated him like one of their own children. The only thing they said to me is not to rush things as I was very young.

I had no intention of moving in with him or anything like that at least not at the moment as I had to finish my college course before I could even think about that although I was madly in love with him.

Jake treated me like a queen he bought me little pressies and left me little notes on the kitchen table at my parents when he came over and when he did not see me all week because I was studying for my exam he would write me a love letter and post it to me telling me how much he missed me.

I was so happy when I finally finished my college course I decided to go to university but lucky for me the course I wanted to do was local to where I lived so I only applied for that one as Jake and I were becoming serious and we wanted to go onto the next level in our relationship and move into together. After all we had been together over three years now and Jake had been very patient with me.

So Jake and I started to make plans to move in together when my place for university came through. I was so excited it was like everything was coming together.

Jake was working full time he was a bit older than me so he already had his career and he had enough money to support both of us while I was at university.

Six months later Jake and I moved in together everything was great and I was studying when suddenly out of the blue my period was late.

I couldn’t believe it we had been so careful and I had to continue my studies and how could I with a baby I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.

I knew that day when Jake came home from work I had to tell him but already in my mind I had decided to have an abortion.

That evening Jake returned home early from work looking rather angry and distressed I had never seen him like this before he was always happy go lucky type of guy whatever life threw at him. Jake what’s the matter I said rather sheepishly not quite knowing if my news could wait. Its work he replied I’ve been made redundant he said looking down at the floor. At that moment my jaw dropped it really isn’t the right time to tell him my news what are we going to do. I thought to myself? After a few seconds silence I put my arm around him and tried to reassure him that everything would be fine although I didn’t believe that myself as I was pregnant and I still needed to get to university and the mortgage it didn’t bare thinking about.

I knew I had to tell him about the baby and now wasn’t the right time but it was never going to be the right time so I went ahead and told him anyway.

I was shocked at his reaction I know a baby wasn’t in our plan but he was really angry I had never seen him so angry it was like it was all my fault. I told him I would get an abortion and that was it he picked up a knife and came towards me and I screamed and reminded him that I had a baby inside of me to which he replied well you don’t want it so what does it matter he came closer and I gained strength as I grabbed the knife of him and kicked him where it hurts as I called the police to which they came and arrested him.

I don’t know quite what happened that night but I never wanted to see him like that again it really scared me.

That night I went and stayed at my sisters so he could calm down maybe he just needed some space I thought to myself.

The following day I got up and went to work as usual and I thought maybe Jake would come and take me for lunch as he usually did but he didn’t come I just put it down to him still being in a mood so I just carried on with my day.

Later that evening when I left work I decided to go back to my sisters again as he hadn’t called I felt that maybe he still needed space and by tonight when he got home from work he would call me or come round with a big bunch of flowers but several hours went by and my sister and I had dinner and now it was getting late and still no sign of him I was starting to get worried.

Sarah, my sister could see the worry in my face as she leant over and stroked my face. Don’t worry he just probably wants some space you know what men are like go to bed she said and if you don’t hear in the morning we will go round.

Just as I attempted to walk up the stairs there was a rather loud knock on the door. I ran quickly and opened the door to which were standing the police. I started to panic. Oh my god I gasped What has happened? Look I take it you are Janie Wilson? Yes, I replied looking extremely worried your husband Jake he’s dead I’m afraid. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. How, I replied still in shock? Well the neighbours hadn’t seen him go to work so they reported it and when we went round there no-one answered the door so we forced entry with a warrant and their he was hung from the cupboard.

Oh, my god how could he do this to me we only had a row. He left you a note replied the police officer.

I started to read it and it totally broke my heart he said that he couldn’t carry on without a job and a baby with no money to provide for us. He said that their were no jobs around and he didn’t want me to have an abortion. He said he was sorry for hurting me that day and hope that I could find it in my heart to forgive him.

Sarah was my rock after that she put me up until I had the baby and then she bought me a house for Angel and I.

I came to terms with loosing Jake and if it wasn’t for Sarah I don’t know how I would have got through it but she babysat for me and helped me sort myself out but to this day I am on my own and that is how its going to stay I have Sarah and Angel and that is all that matters.

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